Why Your Child's Paycheck Will Puts Yours to Shame!

Today, let's look at how Tessa Barton and Cole Herrmann transformed a cramped, overheated studio nightmare into a staggering $26.5 million success story with Tezza. 

Imagine turning the struggle of living in a sardine can in NYC into a thriving empire. 

Now, in a world where young guns are out-earning entire households, and Tessa's knack for aesthetics turned a dire living situation into big bucks, you've got to wonder: what's holding us back? 

Whether you're maneuvering through parenthood with entrepreneurial dreams or feeling boxed in by your own four walls, this tale is a wake-up call. 

Let's dive deep in this edition to unearth the blueprint to their success. 

It's proof positive that no matter the starting point, the finish line can be wherever we dare to draw it.

Tessa Barton and Cole Herrmann were broke when they launched Tezza, an app that lets users apply artsy filters and presets to their photos. Now they earn over $26 million a year from their app, which has also become a lifestyle brand. This article reveals how Herrmann and Barton went from photo collage kits to a viral app empire that prints money.

How did Jeff Bezos go from cracking 300 eggs with one hand at McDonald’s to becoming the world’s third-richest person? In this article, you’ll discover how his summer job taught him valuable lessons about efficiency and customer satisfaction that he applied to his Amazon business. Don’t miss his insights and tips on how to succeed in business and life.

Boomerang is a platform that helps businesses such as theme parks and airports reunite their customers with their lost items. Boomerang, based in Miami, has secured $4.9 million in funding from GGV, celebrities, and LightShed Ventures. If you are an entrepreneur, you might want to read this article and learn from their success.

Courtney, a marketing expert, says on TikTok that you can earn $5 for each letter you write by hand for companies - with no limit to how much you can make. But is this side hustle as easy as it sounds? Can you really make a decent income by penning personal messages to strangers? Let’s find out.

Anam Lakhani and Eve Halimi were frustrated by the confusing and intimidating world of investing. They decided to create their own app, Alinea Invest, to help Gen Z women learn and grow their wealth.  The app has raised $3.4 million in funding and is on track to hit $2 million in revenue. 

Michael Pan’s dedication to a family mushroom jerky recipe led him to invest his savings into production. The risk paid off, with sales surpassing $1M. The article shares his path and advice for budding entrepreneurs and side hustlers.

Pinky Cole, vegan burger queen and Slutty Vegan CEO, can't recall a single college lesson. But she did gain a network now worth nine figures. This 35-year-old talent magnet credits campus connections for linking her with a squad of high-flyers across industries. Read this article to see her valuable advice for budding entrepreneurs.

You're not gonna believe this...

Kids in Elementary are CRUSHING it, making bank way beyond what their folks pull in. Combined!

Case in point: This 12-year-old tycoon flipping toys is packing bags for Singapore to kick back and retire. 

Yeah, you heard that right.

Now, it's like the wild west out here with kiddos clocking dollars left and right in the biz world. 

Age? It's irrelevant. 

Whether you're barely out of diapers or cruising into your golden years, the internet's blown the doors wide open to opportunity city.

Here's the deal, laid out easy-peasy:

1. Snag a product.

2. Rack up leads (Set it and forget it – automation, baby).

3. Slide into those DMs with a sales pitch (Again, automation for the win).

Kids are nailing this, and guess what? 

They're pocketing more cash than their parents ever dreamed of, all before hitting puberty. 

Madness, right? But it's happening.

And here’s the kicker: If these kids can do it, what’s stopping you?

You’ve got the same internet, the same opportunities knocking. 

It’s time to stop watching from the sidelines and dive into the game. 

Let’s turn that "I wish" into "I will." 

If a 12-year-old can retire in Singapore, imagine where you could be a year from now. 

Let’s make it happen.

