Staging Your Own Funeral

Discover a unique perspective on self-renewal through staging your own 'funeral' for personal transformation.

Welcome to this week's issue of our newsletter, where we dive into the extraordinary and the practical sides of entrepreneurial success and personal growth.

From a TikToker who's turned bathroom reviews into a lucrative empire to a jewelry seller's inspiring journey from poverty to riches, we're bringing you stories that prove innovation and determination can lead to unexpected prosperity.

Plus, we share essential tips on emotional persuasion in sales, making money on TikTok, turning negative reviews into opportunities, and the lessons from Super Bowl ads.

And finally, discover a unique perspective on self-renewal through staging your own 'funeral' for personal transformation.

Think rating toilets can't make you rich? Think again! See how TikTok's potty pioneer Abbey Whalen flushed her 9 to 5 to build a seven-figure empire sharing loo reviews for her poop-shy following.

Tired of losing sales to competitors? It's not your product that's the problem; it's your pitch. - learn how to tap into human emotions and craft persuasive messages that speak right to your customers' hearts.

You don't need a massive following to start cashing in on TikTok - learn the proven money-making hacks that regular creators are using to monetize content for thousands with small but mighty audiences.

If you're dragging your feet about launching that side hustle, millionaire Al Sandimirova's dazzling rags-to-riches story of spinning a kitchen table jewelry business into a $4.8 million empire will ignite your inner hustler spirit faster than you can say "cha-ching!"

✅ How to Turn Negative Review Into Positive Opportunity

Oh no! You've got some negative reviews! Before you panic, check out these proven tips on how to spin bad feedback into business success stories.

If you want to reach millions like the Super Bowl does, learn the marketing secrets of these mega-successful brands.

Deciding what's best for your growing business is tricky, but having the right information, like the one in this article, can make it easier.

Discover how to win your customers' hearts with our newsletter, featuring exclusive tips from the world's top direct-to-consumer brands.

Please check them out below.

Eli's NewsletterA newsletter that will make your customers love you. Read tips from the best DTC brands in the world.
Tricycle DayJoin 55,000+ subscribers getting smarter about psychedelics in under 10 minutes a week. Research 🔬, policy 🏛️, and business 📈, with a side of spicy memes. 🫠

Make This Weekend A Memorable One By Staging Your Own 'funeral'!

Imagine taking a bold step this weekend.

Picture yourself attending your own 'funeral' - not for you, but for the parts of your life that no longer serve you.

Just like what this lady did.

Yes, you read that right.

Just like the young woman in China who staged her own funeral to start fresh after a breakup…

This isn't the end, though. It's the beginning of something new. 

It's dramatic, yes.

The boring routines that have become ruts.

The fears that fence you in. The dreams you've left on the shelf.

By Sunday night, bid farewell to old limits.

And on Monday, awaken to a new chapter.

A day for rebirth, with fresh eyes and a heart unburdened by yesterday’s hesitations.

This isn't about leaving the world; it's about re-entering it.

Full of life. Full of possibility.

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