Robot #017

Ever wondered why everyone’s buzzing about social proof in marketing? 

It's the game-changer that taps into the 'follow the herd' mentality, influencing customers by showcasing that others already trust and value your brand. 

From glowing testimonials to expert endorsements, social proof isn't just fluff—it's powerful psychology that converts curiosity into sales. 

Ready to harness the power of social proof and transform your marketing strategy into a trust-building, sales-generating machine?

Let’s do this.

Have you ever hesitated before trying a new restaurant because it was empty, or opted for a crowded one, assuming it must be good? That's social proof in action! This article by Hootsuite dives into this powerful marketing concept and how to leverage it for success.

Inspired by the incredible story of Bobby Walker, who turned joblessness into a $300K/year window cleaning side hustle in just 2 years, This article reveals 10 home service business ideas you can launch practically overnight - all from the comfort of your neighbourhood.

Marcus Sheridan, the "King of Content," shares a  simple yet powerful  strategy to  attract more clients. This article refers to this strategy as “the smart move.” What is it, and how can you apply it?

Turn casual customers into raving fans with upselling techniques proven to boost revenue, satisfaction, and loyalty. This article provides the data to back it up!

These millionaires built their wealth through hard work,  smart strategies, and a unique perspective on money. This article reveals habits that fueled their financial success. Learn their money mantras  and  transform your approach to wealth-building!

Ever wonder what fuels the fire of successful entrepreneurs?

Dive into Dharmesh Shah's world at Connecting Dots, where he lays out the playbook for building a meaningful and prosperous career.

Join a community that's all about cutting through the noise to find clarity in chaos and transform your entrepreneurial journey with insights that matter.

Connecting Dots@dharmesh on startups, scaleups and strategy

I just returned from Japan and wow, I experienced something that'll change the way we think about customer service.

A restaurant where robots are assigned to each table, not just serving but engaging—chatting, singing, playing games. 

It's not just tech; it's a new level of personalized service.

Why does this matter for us? 

Because it's proof that blending technology with a personal touch isn't just possible, it's powerful. 

Here's our take-home: these robots show how small businesses can use tech to enhance our natural strengths in personal service. 

It's about using innovation to elevate experiences, making each customer interaction unforgettable.

Think of the possibilities for your business. 

Can we introduce a slice of this tech magic to make our services standout? 

Let’s lead the charge in personalization; let’s show the big players how it's done.


.What A Disaster!You