Oh I Forgot To Mention This To You

Ever had one of those days where all you want to do is nothing? 

I get it—I'm the same way, and honestly, self-discipline isn't always my strong suit. 

But here’s the thing: just like Kitten Kay Sera, who turned her love for pink into a successful side hustle, I’ve found that surrounding yourself with the right environment, setting clear expectations, and following a solid plan can turn even the laziest days into million-dollar opportunities. 

Ready to make your quirks work for you? Let's dive in!

She loved pink so much she turned it into a million-dollar business at 60 - read how Kitten Kay Sera went from pink dreams to stacks of cash.

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I'll be honest—I’m not exactly a model of self-discipline. 

Some days, I’d rather just lounge around than get anything done. 

People think I’m a non-stop work machine, but truth is, I’m actually pretty lazy. 

I’m not the 24/7 hustling millionaire; I prefer working smarter, not harder. 

And you know what? 

That’s okay because I’ve found three key strategies that keep me on track despite my laid-back nature: Environment, Expectation, and having a Clear Plan.

1. Environment: The people and places around you have a huge impact. 

If your environment isn’t pushing you forward, it’s holding you back. 

Surround yourself with positive, supportive people who want to see you succeed. 

Sometimes, changing your environment is the first step to changing your life.

2. Expectation: We often rise to the expectations others have for us. 

So, why not set the bar high? 

Declare your goals to the world. 

Tell everyone what you’re going to achieve. It’s not just about holding yourself accountable—it’s about creating an environment where others expect greatness from you too.

3. Clear Plan: Without a plan, you’re just dreaming. 

Pick a mentor, follow a proven blueprint, and stick to it. 

It’s not about working harder; it’s about working smarter. 

This approach has allowed me to achieve great success without burning myself out.

If you want to make your dreams a reality without sacrificing your sanity, start by mastering these three principles. 

It’s the secret sauce that lets me enjoy life while still hitting my goals. 

So, what’s your plan? 

How are you going to create an environment that supports your success?