How Do You Feel After This?

Ever felt your heart race before starting something big? 

Today, let’s dive into how a startup like Joint Academy took that leap and how you can too. 

Imagine the fear before hitting 'Send' on your first business email—daunting, right? 

But what if that fear is just the beginning of something extraordinary? 

Let's explore this journey together!

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You know that feeling right before you start something big? 

Heart pounding, palms sweating? 

Yeah, that's fear, and it's huge. 

It towers over us, making us feel smaller than we are. 

But guess what? 

That fear isn't the end; it's the beginning of something extraordinary.

When I hit "Send" on my first email back in 2008, my heart raced. 

What if no one read it? What if they hated it? 

But I took the leap despite the fear. 

And you know what? 

People started replying and encouraging me. 

My confidence grew, and the fear shrank.

I've been on this journey and guided hundreds through it. 

You're at the 'Before You Start' stage. 

But what's on the other side is so much bigger, so much bolder than where you are right now. 

The roles reverse, and confidence balloons up while fear becomes a tiny dot. 

It's not just an image; it's a journey.

This journey has helped me and many others grow, succeed, and find fulfillment beyond the fear. 

I'm reaching out to you because I see that potential in you. 

Don't let fear hold you back. 

Embrace the fear, take the leap, and discover the extraordinary awaiting you on the other side. 

Let's flip the script together.

