Do You Belong To This Group Of People?

Only 1% of the people belong here!

Dive into this issue where the traits of the top 1% of successful entrepreneurs shine brightly in the story of Alina Morse, the 15-year-old CEO of Zolli Candy. 

Just like aspiring entrepreneurs driven by hard work and a clear purpose, Alina transformed her vision into a thriving business. 

Her journey with Zolli Candy – creating sugar-free, allergen-free treats – mirrors the qualities of personal growth, sacrifice, and learning high-income skills. 

Here's living proof that even at a young age, focusing on these key traits can catapult you to incredible success, much like belonging to the top 1% of achievers. 

Let Alina's story inspire you to leverage your own qualities and start the journey to your entrepreneurial success!

At just 7 years old, Alina Morse made a plan to make allergy-friendly lollipops that prevent cavities - no small feat. Her better-for-you candy brand, Zolli, dominates store shelves at just 15, proving you're never too young to cook up a recipe for success.

You have a brilliant business idea, but how do you get investors knocking at your door? It turns out the secret sauce has less to do with snazzy financial projections and more to do with the core DNA of your startup. Master these 10 startup traits and watch the funding roll in.

When Laura Schubert and Lillian Tung attempted to destigmatize below-the-belt grooming, disgusted retailers laughed them out of the room. But the duo persisted, found their people, and transformed their idea into a multi-million-dollar market.

She started baking in her tiny apartment kitchen with just $5 in her pocket. Today, Mignon Francois runs a multi-million-dollar cupcake empire. Watch and learn how she turned a passion project into profits with signature flavors, savvy marketing, and relentless hustle.

Stress might seem inevitable, but you can take back control. Arm yourself with a simple four-step strategy based on the latest psychology research to define your goals, detect your stress signals, decide on coping tactics, and do what works for you in the moment.

Gone are the days of blindly firing off cringe-worthy DM slides to potential influencers. Learn the proven strategies to authentically connect with creators, align on shared goals, and collaborate to amplify your campaigns in 2024 and beyond.

When floodwaters destroyed Chrishon Lampley's livelihood in 2013, she could have given up on her entrepreneurial dreams. See what she did instead, which turned around her fortunes in the most amazing way possible.

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So you've been grinding, eyes on the prize, and guess what? 

You might just be in the elite 1% of aspiring entrepreneurs. 


If you're all about hard work with purpose, choose personal growth over partying, know the value of sacrifice for success, have a killer long-term vision, and are honing a high-income skill, you're on track.

But even with all these traits, you might still feel like you're not quite there. 

Here's the missing piece: the right vehicle to drive you to success.

You've got the fuel; now you need the car.

It's not about finding another workshop or magic solution. 

It's about taking these traits and turbocharging them with your own business. 

That's your ticket to joining the top 1% for real.

Ready to take the wheel and race to success? 

Your business is the vehicle you've been waiting for. 

Let's get you in the driver's seat and on the road to the top.

Let’s rev those engines!

I know you've got the makings of a top entrepreneur. 

Now, let's turn that potential into reality with your own business. 

It's go time!