Choose Your Friends Carefully!

Discover why the company you keep is the key to unlocking your true potential.

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In this issue, we're putting the spotlight on the incredible journey of Russ Izzo, an entrepreneur whose service won over none other than Oprah Winfrey.

Discover the inspirational story behind his brand's success and the entrepreneurial spirit that caught the eye of a global icon.

Alongside this, in our final words, we delve into the power of the company you keep. Learn from the contrasting experiences of two budding entrepreneurs and how their circles influenced their paths.

This issue isn't just informative, it's a testament to the impact of support and belief in the entrepreneurial journey.

Join us for stories of triumph, inspiration, and practical advice to fuel your own success story.

Dreaming of buying a business but don't know where to get the cash? These financing secrets are what any aspiring entrepreneur will need to turn their acquisition dreams into reality.

Can't find the right words for your business? Learn how to find your business's true voice - and speak your customers' language fluently - before competitors take them from you.

Yes, you read that correctly! Try your hand at one of these popular and lucrative side hustles, and you could easily be making an extra thousand dollars every month.

See the incredible underdog story of Russ Izzo, the founder of a brand that caught the attention of Oprah Winfrey. 

Steal these CRM magic formulas that will make your customers fall in love with business.

Tired of an empty inbox? Discover the effortless tactics that will transform your email list from zero to hero faster than you ever imagined possible.

SEO is not dead; it’s just misunderstood. In her new article, Jenny Halasz reveals the truth about search engine optimization and how it can help you grow your online presence in 2023 and beyond.

Need marketing assets? Like Yesterday?

Maybe your brand launch is tomorrow.

Maybe you have no hiring budget (been there). 

Or maybe your team is simply understaffed and overworked.

Regardless, if you need designs ASAP, you need Superside. They deliver high-quality, on-brand assets in as little as 24 hours.

Yup, Superside hires the top 1% of creatives across the globe, so you don’t have to vet freelancers or make any hasty hires in a pinch.

Why Superside?

  • Graphic design, websites, ad copy–it’s all on-brand and on-time

  • Used by over 450 companies like Google, Meta, Reddit, and Shopify

  • Transparent pricing from the start to save you up to 50%

TL;DR: It’s a design subscription service tailored for MM and ENT companies.

Start using Superside!

Choose Your Friends Carefully!

Ben and Luke were budding entrepreneurs. Ben's inner circle was full of doubters, always quick to criticize.

Luke, on the other hand, found a tribe of go-getters, where every idea and small victory was celebrated.

Fast forward a year: Luke's startup was up and running, while Ben was still at square one, hindered by hesitation.

Here’s the takeaway: the people you surround yourself with can make or break your entrepreneurial spirit.

Choose those who uplift you, challenge you positively, and see setbacks as stepping stones.

This supportive network doesn't just make the journey smoother; it can be the very catalyst you need to take that leap forward.